After a few days of not wearing my scar strips the hypersensitivity is gone. I am only wearing the strips at night now and I haven't had any issues, which is great because I don't know what I would have done if the hypersensitivity had continued.
I had an appointment with my surgeon the end of last week (just after 5 weeks post-op) which went really well. He said everything looked good and was healing well. He took some more pictures and said he would take more at my 6m appointment and that by then the swelling above my scar should be gone and my tummy would be completely flat. Woo-hoo! He also told me I don't need my binder unless I want it anymore...thank goodness because it was driving me nuts! And I'm allowed to start exercising. He said I can do whatever I want but to start out slow and listen to my body.
So, Friday I went jogging. It felt so good to get out and move! The jog went well, we went a total of about 2miles and I jogged maybe a total of one, trying not to push myself too hard. Since the jog went so well, Saturday I decided to try one of my easiest videos, and do the "modified" version, so no impact. Although the video itself went well I could tell by the end of the day that I'd done too much, I swelled so much it actually hurt! After having Sunday off I went jogging again Monday and again it went really well and I felt fine, so Tuesday I tried a different easy video without impact. On Tuesday again I swelled big time... Ouch. So today I decided to see if it was the videos making me swell or doing exercise two days in a row... So I went jogging this morning. Guess what? I am so swollen right now. Owwwwwww.... I guess this means that at least temporarily I will jog every-other day and that's it until my body gets used to it again and I can do more.
Other than the swelling I feel great, hungry, but great. I am having such a hard time with food. I don't want to be one of those people who gets a tummy tuck then gains 15lb!! So far I've been lucky and I only weigh 2lb more than I did the day of surgery, and I'm not sure how much of that is swelling. But I really need to stop eating so much, I'm constantly starving and I'm craving sugar and caffeine... I think my issue may be that I'm running tired. With three young kids I'm not exactly getting tons of rest during the day, naps and such. Maybe sleeping more will help me eat less. I've started each day with the plan to eat healthy and count my calories, and I'm not even talking counting low calories! I've given myself 200 extra calories above what I normally eat and I just can't stick to it... I think most days I'm eating upwards of 3000 calories!!! Eep!! I will, I MUST take control! I will not gain weight!!
So on to picture updates! This is from this morning, six weeks-