Yeah, not THOSE kind of butterflies, the real ones, with wings... We took the kids to a new butterfly atrium near us today. I know that I have issues with flying and jumping bugs but it thought I could handle it, I really did. Butterflies are so pretty, and I really do like them and obviously I know they can't hurt me. Now if they are more than 10 feet away or just sitting on something I'm perfectly fine, but if it flies anywhere near me I go all super ninja, jumping and twisting and flailing my arms... Yeah, I'm THAT freaky person who's afraid of the friendly little butterfly. I mentally prepped for going into the atrium, I knew the butterflies would be everywhere and possibly land on me... But it did not prepare me for the real thing! They were all flapping around as big as my hand or larger (and NO I'm NOT exaggerating!) zooming past my face and all around. I tried to be brave and not let the kids see, but every time one came anywhere near me I would jump a little, and hold in my desire to scream and start crying right there. After a grand total of two minutes I just couldn't deal with it anymore, I was about to break into a full on panic attack right there, so I handed my two year old and my phone with the camera on to my dear sweet husband and said "I'll meet you outside", his response... "I wondered how long you'd last", *sigh*. So I sat in the cafe and sipped on a Pepsi (bad girl), took some deep calming breaths and waited for my family to join me. When they did I was happy to see that my fear didn't pass to the kids, they had a great time! My daughter had a butterfly land on her head which had her on cloud 9, and my husband had a paper kite butterfly land on his foot and then climb the length of his body to sit on his neck (*shudder*), and according to my oldest this was amazing because the lady that works there was really excited and told them that the paper kites NEVER land on people EVER! Maybe we should play the lottery! Here are a few butterfly photos of the cool things I missed today...
That last one I actually saw because it was a separate room behind glass where they "hatch" the butterflies... That one is an Atlas Moth, I had my oldest put his hand on the glass so it shows the size of the thing, it's huge!!
In other news, just two and a half weeks until my surgery...eep! Just need to keep making it through the days... Aquarium tomorrow... Luckily I'm only afraid of fish if I'm expected to be in the water with them... So yeah, me? Swim in natural bodies of water? Nope, not me! Ugh, I'm such a wimp!
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