Thursday, August 15, 2013

1st day post-op!

My mommy makeover so far has been a success.  Yesterday my mom brought me to the office at 8am, we went over paperwork with the nurse, got drawled on by my PS and discussed medications with the anesthesiologist.

After everything was ready I was brought into the OR to lay on the table where the dr started my IV.  I was really happy as I drifted off, the anesthesiologist placed an oxygen mask on my face and told me that I was practically family because the nurses daughter has the same first name as me and that meant they would do an extra good job.  The thing that left the biggest impression on me though was as I drifted off the PS held my hand tightly against his chest the whole time, it was very reassuring. 
Next thing I remember I was waking up in recovery and the doctor was there telling me that everything had gone really well.
I was pretty groggy as they wheeled me out to my husbands car and I went home.  At home I was made as comfortable as possible in the recliner with pillows and blankets.  Every time I had to get up to pee though I required the help of both my mom and husband, and by the time I would make it the 15 feet to the bathroom I was sweaty, my ears ringing heavily and I was having difficulty breathing. At least I never actually passed out, my husband would put me in a folding chair and drag it back across the room and help me into the recliner. I was also having a hard time staying awake and paying attention to anything.
At about 2 am I woke up and realized I could finally take deep breaths, my chest was very sore but manageable.  It was a great feeling, so I laid in my recliner taking deep breaths for another hour until I fell back to sleep.
In the morning I found it much easier to get out of the chair and I was able to walk to the bathroom without help and even pull my own pants down/up!  As the day has progressed I have tried to walk more and keep my muscles moving.  I'm really happy to be sore but feeling good, although I pretty much constantly feel like I'm over full and not digesting any food.  I'm really hoping the combination of fiber foods and stool softeners will prevent constipation.  I also have a drain...
Yesterday we drained 50mls and today only 25 so that's an improvement too.  I'm still very tired and having a hard time focusing...writing this has taken far longer than necessary.  Tomorrow I get to take my dressings off and shower! Yay!  I'm very interested to so what I look like without all of the bandages!

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