Sunday, August 11, 2013

Cleaning attack!

Oh-wow... I've read about it happening to other people before surgery but I didn't think it would happen to me!  I am having major "nesting" issues right now.  I keep my house pretty clean, especially considering I have three kids and two dogs.  But this morning I got up and *BAM* I absolutely could not deal with the state of my house!  I absolutely had to start organizing right then... After some coffee...which I realized later was a big mistake, the caffeine made me extra special crazy.  I had to completely re-organize the pantry-
Then I re-organized all off the cabinets in my kitchen, dining room, bathrooms, laundry room, bedroom...I made the kids clean their rooms (they weren't too happy about that)... I organized the toys, and my closet, I'm still doing laundry!  So far I've washed the sheets and comforter for the futon my mom will sleep on while she's here (and set that up too), washed all of the kids clothes, washed mine and hubby's clothes, washed towels, and the kids sheets...I still have to do my sheets.  I had to stop myself when I realized it was 2pm and all I'd had all day was one cup of coffee.  I'm writing on here right now to keep myself from getting up and doing the actual know- bathrooms, vacuum, etc.  I also need to buy food...I'll be doing those two things tomorrow.  Then Tuesday I get my mom from the airport, get my hair blown straight to make it easier to deal with, set up my recovery chair area and make a few casseroles..... Deep breaths....

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